
Last Sunday my little sister and I went to my aunt's house because my cousin was there. Yocelin is her name. She has lots of things in common with me so that we get along great. She is studying in Monterrrey. She likes singing and dancing. She Loves the Japanese Animation as much as me and we love going to the movies.

When my sister and I got there, Yoceln was watching the Tv.. She looked a little bored so we decided to go to the Laguna del Carpintero. We got a lot of fun that day. At night we watched a movie. Next day we woke up at noon. in the afternoon we watched some others movies and at night we went to the fair.

While we were at the fair my parents called to say they wanted to go for my sister and me to my aunt's house. I told them we were at the fair. 30 minutes later my parents arrived to the fair and we all spent a beautiful night together.

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