Hola a todos!!

El presente blog es una actividad que el maestro de ingles Juan Enrique Cabrales, nos sugirio realizar este semestre para que pudieramos mejorar nuestra habilidad para escribir en ingles.

Este blog me ha ayudado para ver la diferencias entre escribir en español y escribir en ingles. Siempre se me ha dificultado escribir en ingles pero eso me pasa por que no suelo hacerlo muy seguido, con este blog he practicado mi escritura y ahora me doy cuenta que es practica lo que me faltaba. solo tenia que esforzarme un poco mas para desarrollar esta habilidad y este blog fue una buena herramienta para esto.

Me gusto la idea de un blog por que es una forma agradable de practicar la escritura ya que escribimos sobre lo que nos interesa.

"Gracias por leerlo"

Anime (right)!!!

I love to talk about Anime but this is the first time I´m going to write about it. I want to show you the ones I like the most and the ones I hate. Most of my friends are involved with this beautiful and exciting world and I know they are going to read this post but I´m not the kind of person who lives in a bubble and there are some other friends who live a completly normal life (jaja...) and they don't have any idea about ANIME.
Anime is Japanese animation (cartoons) and its beginning dates from 1917. There are some series you can watch on Tv but there are some others you have to get in video.
The first anime I watched in Tv was Dragon Quest. Some years later when I was 11 years old I watched Evangelion. It was the first OVA (Original Animation for Video) I got. My favorite Anime genres are shounen Ai, fantasy, bishounen, seinen and sometimes Yaoi. The genres I don't like are Mecha and Hentai.

Nowadays the animes I like the most are:
1.- Junjou Romantica, Loveless, gravitation, Naruto, Bleach


Last Sunday my little sister and I went to my aunt's house because my cousin was there. Yocelin is her name. She has lots of things in common with me so that we get along great. She is studying in Monterrrey. She likes singing and dancing. She Loves the Japanese Animation as much as me and we love going to the movies.

When my sister and I got there, Yoceln was watching the Tv.. She looked a little bored so we decided to go to the Laguna del Carpintero. We got a lot of fun that day. At night we watched a movie. Next day we woke up at noon. in the afternoon we watched some others movies and at night we went to the fair.

While we were at the fair my parents called to say they wanted to go for my sister and me to my aunt's house. I told them we were at the fair. 30 minutes later my parents arrived to the fair and we all spent a beautiful night together.



The following is an example of a complaint letter the teacher requested us to improve our writting skills.

Dear Sir or Madam:

Last weekend my boyfriend and I arrived at your popular cafeteria looking for a very nice time to spent together. The motto in your window reads "where your friends are as special as you are". Unfortunatelly the services that day didn't reflect those words.

As soon as we arrived there we had the chance to sit at a table and we waited for almost half an hour for the waiter to help us. There were not to many people for this to happen but I have to point out that the music was good and this helped us to be patient. However when we were finally service the waiter spilled a cup of coffe on my grand new jacket. It costed me $15 dollars to have it clean.

Mi jacket doesn't look that good anymore. I had never had an experiance such as this anywhere. I hope you can understand my complaint because I want you to refund the money for another new jacket.

Sincerely yours,

Paola Gloria


Silly Questions, Brilliant Answers

* The reason people turned down Bowerman's idea was that they weren't ready to take risks. It is something that usually happens with innovative ideas.

* I think that Smith's business professor gave him a C on the project because an overnight mail delivery service is not too interesting to take it as a businees project or maybe because Smith's project wasn't complete when he Showed it to his proffesor and was some years later that he really finished it and it became in the big and important company that is nowadays "FedEx."

* I think that Bowerman's NIKE athletic shoes idea has led to the most imitations.

* I'm always having lots of ideas but nothing original.


Lucy Gomez is the most creative person I know. She started piano lesons when she was only six years old. At school, she was always creating interesting projects in her art class. Whwn she was only 12 years old, she won a citywide poetry contest. Her parents were very proud of her.

Now lucy works as a sitcom writer for a popular TV show. She works with a group of writers, and together they have to think of fresh ideas. They also have to come up with funny dialog for the actors on their show because the actors have to play believable characters that will make the audience laugh. It is not an easy job, but Lucy does it well.

She strats work late in the morning and often works until 7 or 8 at night.

Lucy is very curious. She likes to travel and meet new people who have opinions that are different from hers. She often carries a notebook with her and writes down what she sees and hears. Lucy tells me that these new experiences are a good source of ideas for her work. I always enjoy talking to her and am happy to know someone as bright and creative as Lucy.



I love to talk about Anime but this is the first time I´m going to write about it. I want to show you the ones I like the most and the others I hate. Most of my friends are involved with this beautiful and exciting world and I know they are going to read this post but I´m not the kind of person who lives in a bubble and there are some other friends who live a completly normal life (jaja...) and they don't have any idea about ANIME.
Anime is Japanese animation (cartoons) and dates from 1917. There are some series you can watch on Tv but there are some others you have to get in video.
The first anime I watched in Tv was Dragon Quest. Some years later when I was 11 years old I watched Evangelion. It was the first OVA (Original Animation for Video) I got. My favorites Anime genres are shounen Ai, fantasy, bishounen, seinen and sometimes Yaoi. The genres I don't like are Mecha and Hentai.

Nowadays the animes I like the most are:
1.- Junjou Romantica, Loveless, gravitation, Naruto, Bleach


Events in order!!!

One day I was taking a walk on the beach and stopped to look at the waves. suddenly, I thought I saw something struggling in the water. It looked like a man who was having trouble swimming. I reached for my glasses, and then remembered I'd left them at home. I couldn't see the object clearly. Suddenly a big wave came, and the man was gone. I ran the fast as I could to get the lifeguard. As soon as we arrived back at the spot where I had seen the man. The lifeguard looked through his binoculars and he said he didn't see a thing. At that moment I was pretty embarrassed. The next day, I bought a newspaper. There was an article about dolphins swimming near the shore. When I read the article. I realized that I had seen a dolphin in the water - not a man!. After that I never went anywhere without my glasses again.



Next year i´m going to travel to north caroline. I´m going to visit my Aunt Paty. She is one of my favorites Aunts because always is giving me gifts. One month ago I talked with her and she told me about her plans for my vacations. I'm very excited because is the first time i'm going to travel abroad and I'm frightened because i've never traveled by myself before.

I really hope this plans come true!!!


As a rule, most teenagers in my country like to go to the antro. Teenagers prefer go to crowded places where they can dance, meet people and get drunk than a relaxing place where they can have fun without beer. young people think that showing themselve smoking and geting drunk is good to become popular and I can say that sometimes it works but just for a little time. There are some antros that are really good but always is good to be careful.


Junjou Romantica ¨¨o¨¨

Is a shonen Ai serie. It focuses in three diferents couples and their daily life problems. (love, love, love).

Misaki Takahashi. he is the protagonist of this Anime. 19 years old and the younger brother of Takahiro. His dream is to go to Mitsuhashi University. He felt in love with Akihiko who is his adviser.

Akihiko Usami. He is 28 years old. He writes novels and is very popular. His nickname is "Usagi" which means "Rabbit". At the beginning of the story he was in love with Takahiro but when Takahiro got married he realized tha he true love was Misaki.

Haruhiko Usami. He is Akihiko's older half brother. When he dicovers the relationship between his brother and Misaki, he begins to say that he loves Misaki.

Takahiro Takahashi: He is the older brother of Misaki and akihiko's friend. He is always caring toward his brother.

There are some others but these are my favorites characters.

FAiTh HilL

hey!!! what's up?
yesterday a heard a beatiful song called This Kiss. Faith Hill is the band that plays this song. I think that this song belong to beegee's time, but I'm not sure. I was reading information about 70's and 80´s songs in the web and then I found a list of the 50 better songs of the 70's and This Kiss was there. This song is great. You Ought to hear it.


Dolores Hidalgo

The municipality is located in the North-center part of the mexican state of Guanajuato. The weather in this municipality is mild most of the year but tends to be cold at the end of Autumn and colder in the rural regions from the municipality, where you can wake up and feel how your body freeze. but it happens just few times a year so the weather is nice almost always.

This city is known by the local government as "La Cuna de la Independencia de Mexico" it is because the famous "Grito de Dolores" happened in a Church from this region. Dolores Hidalgo is an important city not only because of its historical facts and figures but also because its craftwork.

Families as well as lonely travelers go there to learn more about their country and enjoy the beautiful architecture. You can find interesting tourist places to visit such as the Miguel Hidalgo Y Costilla House-Museum, Nuestra Señora de los Dolores parish church (the biggest church in the city), The Independencia Nacional Museum, El Jardin del Grande Hidalgo located in downtown, among others.

One of the best-known characteristics of this city is the selling of the most strange Ice Cream flavors you can taste (beer, shrimp, tequila, cheese, nopal, avocato, tuna, roses, chili, etc). This set of wonders are the reason for you to go and visit Dolores Hidalgo.


Having fun!

hello there!!!

today I feel pretty tired but I now I have to do my entry. I don't have much free time through the week because of my job so It's now or never ja.... Looking for a Pic in my computer I found the one down here. this picture was taken in the Laguna del Carpintero three days ago. the ones in the pic are very, very good friends of mine from the UAT.

We had a lot of fun that day!!! We walked from the Unidad Deportiva to the Laguna del Carpintero. Here are some other pictures we took while we were there. The way people was looking at us was the best.

We were speaking in English and acting like tourists. I'LL NEVER FORGET THAT DAY!!!



hey!!! guess what?. I got my first job and It is nice but very stressful. three weeks ago I can never imagine myself having a job, jaja... but I think it is time for me to grow up. I am an English teacher and I work with children. My children are very neat and obedients, well not all of them but the most. They are always kissing and telling me how much they love me. Now I am pretty sick, children are like an infectious illness, but I love them.

It is a little difficult for me to deal with my studies and my job but I'm trying to do my best. In the school everything is ok. Every day I have fun with my friends. About my class, every subject in this semester is interesting. My teachers are great. I'm in the same classroom with the same classmates and some teachers from other semesters tha I already know. Well, almost everything is ok, except for the homework (I don't have time to do it).


It's just me & my friends

Okay! I enjoy hanging out with friends. I am an student who loves anime. I love to spend time with my family. I also love go to school because I have many friends there. I love all kind of music (specifically punk rock ) and go to the movies. I hate waiting for people and to cook. I know, my life is... not exciting.

As i said, I have got lot of friends. One of them is very serious and neat. He is a writer. He writes poems and comedies. He is very intelligent. when someone ask him something he usually knows the answer. His girlfriend is one of my bestfriends by the way I introduced him to her. that is why he is always telling me "thank you".

My next friend is a crazy music fanatic and Björk's lover. He likes people call him efimerox. He told me why he likes to be called like that, but I don't remember. He also likes to write some dark stories.

Another one is very funny even when he is angry. He is a writer too, but he writes songs (great songs). I love to read his lyrics. he is a hippie. and his favorite drink is Tonicola. He is very intelligent but super lazy.

The last one is a talkative and beautiful friend. She is friendly and smiles a lot also she is in love of Tom Delonge. all I can say about her is tha she is even craizier than me.